- pykids is a voluntary effort to bring Python to elementary school (5th grade and above).
- Our blog is publicly available at
- Students use Azure notebooks provided by Microsoft. They are able to save their work and revisit it at home.
- Pykids parthers with for Fall 2018 Python classes for HS students
- Pykids partners with ASDRP. In summer 2018, Pykids provided project based learning to HS students. Read more -
- Spring session (intermediate) kickoff afterschool program (Olive Childen Foundation), April 2018
- Fall session (beginners) kickoff afterschool program (Olive Childen Foundation), October 2017
- Presentation by student at PyCon 2018
- Recent workshop held at PyBay 2017 , August 2017
Beginners curriculum¶
- Hello World python exercise
- Introduction to Jupyter notebook
- Calculator and simple math
- Creating name tags with strings
- Drawing
- Fun with loops (for and while)
- Conditionals (If else)
- Creating a chess board with ipythonblocks!
- Functions
- Creating your first script
Advanced curriculum¶
- More variables, strings, numbers
- Lists and tuples
- Dictionaries
- Advanced Functions
- Classes
- Exceptions
- Testing & Logging
Project Based Learning¶
- Funny “madlibs”
- Student report card by grade
- Beginners data science
- Electronics with mu-editor and microcontrollers
To contribute and support pykids please contact
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
Volunteers needed to run local meetups/chapters!
This copyrighted material is owned by “pykids” and “pykids founder”
The exception to use content only applies under the following conditions: 1) The purpose of the use is non-commercial 2) There should be sufficient acknowledgement of authorship of the work 3) The use of the material is fair